Thursday, January 17, 2013

ICT 4: Animated gif 728x90 pixels for Product Advertisement

Animated banner ad designed in Adobe Photoshop CS3. The students were instructed to make an animated product ad or animated gif with a leaderboard size (728x90 pixels). Since the students didn't have access to internet during the designing process, they only grab some images from Encarta Encyclopedia or Encyclopedia Britannica.

Here are the animated banner ad designed by ICT 4 students S.Y. 2012 - 2013:
(The original size for all the designs is 728x90 pixels) animated banner
Designed by Geneliza Cordova - Featuring
Canon camera animated banner ad
Designed by Benny Gene Dela Cruz - Featuring Canon camera.
animated gif for weightloss products
Designed by Laurito Buog - Featuring Slimming Bio Products
animated gif designed in adobe photoshop for
Designed by Errole Maxey - Featuring Facebook

Animated Banner Ads Designed in Adobe Photoshop CS3

Here are the animated banner ads designed by my ICT students with the help of Adobe Photoshop CS3. The students were instructed to design an animated ad featuring our school - Manay National High School.

Size: Medium Rectangle = 300 pixels x 250 pixels

Animated banner ad, size 300x250
Designed by: Laurito Buog - ICT 4 student

Animated gif -- banner ad 300x250 pixels
Designed by: Luie Mark Tutor - ICT 3 student

Designed by: John Devon Quimpan - ICT 3 student

Want to learn how to create simple animation in Adobe Photoshop? Watch out for our future updates featuring tutorials on how to make animated gif using Adobe Photoshop CS3.