Thursday, January 17, 2013

ICT 4: Animated gif 728x90 pixels for Product Advertisement

Animated banner ad designed in Adobe Photoshop CS3. The students were instructed to make an animated product ad or animated gif with a leaderboard size (728x90 pixels). Since the students didn't have access to internet during the designing process, they only grab some images from Encarta Encyclopedia or Encyclopedia Britannica.

Here are the animated banner ad designed by ICT 4 students S.Y. 2012 - 2013:
(The original size for all the designs is 728x90 pixels) animated banner
Designed by Geneliza Cordova - Featuring
Canon camera animated banner ad
Designed by Benny Gene Dela Cruz - Featuring Canon camera.
animated gif for weightloss products
Designed by Laurito Buog - Featuring Slimming Bio Products
animated gif designed in adobe photoshop for
Designed by Errole Maxey - Featuring Facebook
animated banner ad for Windows 8 designed in Adobe Photoshop
Designed by Romel Consigna - Featuring Windows 8
animated banner ad for gaming gadget gameboy
Designed by Charles June Villalobos - Featuring Gameboy
animated gif featuring Hermes bags designed thru Adobe Photoshop
Designed by Aisabel Limikid - Featuring Hermes bags
728 x 60 pixels animated gif for Canon camera
Designed by Aiza dela Cruz - Featuring Canon Camera
animated banner ad for Windows 8 for mobile phones
Designed by Febelyn Macadagat - Featuring Windows 8
designed using Adobe Photoshop - an animated banner ad for chachi momma harem pants
Designed by Kemberly Vidal - Featuring Chachi Momma Harem Pants
Which animated gif or animated banner ad caught your attention or has a compelling power for the viewers? Your comments are highly appreciated 'coz they can be useful in improving the works of the students.